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SANT'ANNA school biorobotics institute professor participates in “the past, present and future of the european union and italy” conference hosted by FONDAZIONE EDISON

Publication date: 31.08.2019
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Professor Maria Chiara Carrozza will attend the conference "L'Unione Europa e l'Italia tra passato, presente e futuro – The Past, Present and Future of the European Union and Italy", hosted by Fondazione Edison celebrating its 20th Anniversary on Tuesday, September 17 at 3.30 pm in Milan - Palazzo Edison.

Maria Chiara Carrozza, Sant’Anna School Professor from the Biorobotics Institute and the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Don Gnocchi, will attend the conference dedicated to the future of the EU and its member states. The themes addressed reflect the role of Italy in embracing and seizing the new opportunities the political, economic and social developments will bring. President Emeritus Alberto Quadrio Curzio (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) will moderate a round-table on new challenges and opportunities for institutional process and policy-making. Participants include Professor Marco Fortis (Università Cattolica), President Mario Monti (Università Bocconi), Pier Carlo Padoan (Member of Parliament), Director General Marco Buti (European Commission) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi.

The Edison Foundation has continued to take action in promoting the European Union as world leading in research and innovation and its key role for International Law responses to technological innovation. The Foundation will work to ensure EU countries' prosperity, democracy and respect for rights of EU citizens.

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